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Who is the Fountain of Love Choir


Who is the Fountain of Love choir?

The Fountain of Love choir is a Jordanian choir that started during Christmas time in 2002 to perform Christmas carols. The first official performance was in Easter 2003. The Choir expanded over the years where it currently includes around 80 members, between vocalists and musicians of different age groups and from different denominations, including Muslims.

The choir repertoire includes western and eastern classical, byzantine and modern chants, and since its foundation, the choir has performed in various lively concerts and masses in Jordan and all over the world. In 2013, the choir expanded further by establishing The Fountain of Love Choir House, and became part of the Catholic Council (See attachment for details). The founder and the conductor, Mr. Tomeh Jbarah has studied conducting at the music academy  of Jordan, and composed around 50 original musical pieces.

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