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Fountain of Love House

Fountain of Love kids

Research has found that music in general, and specifically singing, is a mentally and intellectually enriching experience for children. It brings great benefits to children as they progress. When you look at children between two and nine years old, one of the breakthroughs for this age group is music benefit for their language development, which is so important at that stage. While children come into the world ready to decode sounds and words, music education helps enhance those cognitive abilities. Growing up in a musically rich environment is often advantageous for children language and mental development. Since 2009, the choir introduced children sections in some songs, especially In Christmas concerts. During 2017, FOL Choir took an initiative to establish a music school for kids, to teach them music and to create a special children-singing group.

Praying Community

The worries and troubles of life often keep our eyes away from the Lord. Thus the presence of a prayer group, the participation in which is optional, is essential to choir members and to all those who wish to be part of the Fountain of Love family but are not gifted in singing or playing a musical instrument. We as a choir and prayer group intend to follow the example of the Gospel way of life. The group has a calendar for programs for the entire year, which helps participants manage their time in order to attend as often as possible.

The Theatre’s Vision (The Fountain of Love Theatre)

Recently the choir has incorporated acting in its latest concerts, which has added beauty and enrichment to the work performed in that it helps incarnate the music and words into a tangible portrait, which in the end helps in conveying the choirs message to the audience. The theatre team will be in constant need of newcomers, and it will be a great opportunity for young individuals who have a genuine talent to develop, train and enable their skills in the field of drama and its elements, which include acting, directing, and other stage elements such as the decor, accessories, costumes, lighting and stage management. Furthermore, as a future project, we plan to collaborate with the aforementioned actor to start filming episodes of a Bible program for children. The theatre group aspires to reach a degree of professionalism which is worthy of our God of Glory Jesus Christ taking our example from Colossians 3:23 “ And whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man“.

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